12. April 12 (Mon) QT > 호성기 목사의 큐티

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12. April 12 (Mon) QT

페이지 정보

작성자 필라안디옥교회
댓글 0건 조회 11,694회 작성일 21-06-18 18:23


12. 4월 12일(월) ‘나를 택하셨으니 끝까지 쓰실 것입니다’ 출 4:10-17
본문관찰과 묵상

그래도 모세는 하나님의 부르심에 순종을 거부합니다. 세 번째 이유는 말을 잘 못한다는 것입니다. 하나님은 네 입을 내가 지었으니 그 입에 말씀을 주시리라고 약속하셨습니다. 네 번째, 모세는 보낼만한 자를 보내라고 끝내 거절합니다. 하나님이 진노하셨습니다. 때려서 죽일줄 알았는데 화가나신 하나님이 말잘하는 사람을 붙혀 줄테니 지팡이 잡고 가라고 끝까지 보타일러 보내셨습니다. 

QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성

하나님이 택하시고 연단하신 자는 부족하여도 쓰십니다. 힘을 주고 도와주고 옆에 사람들을 붙혀 주셔서라도 쓰십니다. 오늘 나는 진리를 깨닫습니다. 내가 잘나서 쓰시는 것이 아니라 하나님이 쓰시겠다고 택하셨기에 나는 쓰임 받고 있습니다. 나의 주위에 수도 없이 많은 사람들을 그때 그때 붙혀 주셔서 나를 돕게 하시며 나에게 화도 내시지만 또 타일러서 나를 쓰십니다. 더 이상 하나님께 변명하지 말고 순종하라는 음성을 듣습니다.
결단과 적용

오늘까지도 나를 참아주신 주님이 앞으로도 나를 도우사 계속 쓰실줄을 믿고 감사드립니다. 첫째, ‘내가 누구이기에?’하는 나에게 ‘반드시 너와 함께 하리라’약속 하셨습니다. 둘째, ‘나를 보낸 분이 누구냐?’묻는 사람들에게 ‘스스로 있는자’가 보냈다고 해도 않 믿으면 기적으로 저들을 쳐서라도 나를 믿게 하시겠다고 약속하셨습니다. 믿지 않는 자들이 가진 것을 나에게 주심으로 주님의 일을 감당케 하시겠다고 약속하셨습니다. 셋째, 나의 입에 말씀을 주어 가르치시겠다고 약속하셨습니다. 넷째, 말 잘하는 사람을 나에게 붙혀 주셔서 쓰시겠다 약속하셨습니다. 이제 하나님의 약속을 믿고 하나님을 지팡이로 의지하고 남은 사역 감당하겠습니다. 

12. April 12 (Mon) QT ‘Since he chose me, he will use me to the end’
Ex. 4:10-17

Observation and meditation on the text

No matter how God sincerely persuaded Moses, he denied God’s call. The third reason was that he could not speak to the people well. God promised with Moses that God would teach him how to speak with his mouth since God created his tongue and mouth. At the fourth time, Moses stubbornly refused God’s call by saying ‘please send someone else.’ God’s anger burned against Moses. I though God would kill Moses immediately. On the contrary, God said to Moses that he would put Aaron who could speak well so that his brother could be his mouthpiece. So God consistently and gently even in his super rage, spoke to Moses to go to the Israelites to deliver them with God’s given staff by bringing about miracles. 

I hear the voice of the Lord through QT

Even though I may be unqualified in many aspects, if I am a chosen one by God, God will use me anyway. God will use me to meet my weak areas by strengthening me or giving me some able people to help me. Today I realize God’s way of administration. I am still being used by God not because of my ability and capacity, but simply because God has chosen me to use me anyway. In retrospect, yes it is true that God has sending numerous people at every moment when I desperately need something so that I could carry on God’s will in my life. Sometimes, yes, I know that my disobedience caused God’s fiery anger, but still God maintained his meekness and gently taught and led me so far as of now. I hear still small voice that I should obey the Lord with meekness instead of resisting or making any more excuses. 

Decisions and applications
God who has been faithful to such an impatient and intolerant man like me with patience and capacious tolerance will continually and consistently use me for his glory in the future, I am sure of it. Why? First of all God promises that God will be with me to help me all the way to the end even sometimes I may wonder of my ability by resisting to God saying ‘who am I Lord?’ Second, God promises with me that God will bring about miracles to awaken the unbelieving people by making sure of that I am chosen and sent by God who is self-existing God, ‘I am who I am.’ Furthermore, God promises with me that God will mobilize all kinds of resources from the unbelieving people in order to help to carry on God’s missions. Third, God promises with me that he will teach me how and what to speak properly at every pivotal moment. Fourth, God promises with me that he would provide me with people who can speak and do thing far better than me. Therefore, without any more doubt, I will obey God by believing in God’s personal promises with me and I will lean on the staff, who is my God to carry on God’s missions for the rest of my life.


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